Where Mission Meets Advocacy: Telling Your Story in COVID-19

This event has passed.

@ 3:30 pm CDT - 5:00 pm CDT

Based on feedback from Wisconsin nonprofits during COVID19 about their current needs, the CommNS is working with WisNRG partners to host this informative session featuring tips and illustrations of multimedia strategies to reach a variety of stakeholders to raise awareness and advocate for issues essential to your organization’s sustainability and better systems for your constituents.  Stay tuned for more information.  This is a valuable follow-up on our 2019 Annual Event theme, “Where Mission Meets Advocacy”.

This WisNRG event will be hosted by The CommNS and will be in partnership with @HBIUWM, @cffvr, @universityofwisconsinparkside, and @campuscompactforwisconsin

Click here to watch a recording of the event.

Resources gathered from audience throughout the webinar:




    See pp.4, 26, and 30



See ELCA Outreach Center virtual dinner invitation below

Important planning guidance: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/covid-19-planning-scenarios-for-social-sector-organizations.html#

This Bridgespan report on managing in tough times published a year ago may seem quaint but it is still useful.  https://www.bridgespan.org/insights/library/strategy-development/eight-steps-for-managing-through-tough-times

A note from Len on communication channels:  Communicating for peak outcomes in the second decade of the 21st Century requires an ever adapting mix of vectors and platforms.  Consider which are most useful for what purposes and audiences.  Which will produce rapid useful results? What mix will change public opinion and attitudes? Consider the organization’s needs for sustaining funding, marketing of services, episodic and instant cause fundraising, public education, and opinion leadership for the most sustainable results.  Use of multiple vectors (legacy media have their place) remixed for your objective and audience maximizes effectiveness.


National Council of Nonprofits

News Letter: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/connect

COVID-Related State and Local Funding Opportunities: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/trends-policy-issues/state-and-local-funds

Fill Out the Census: www.2020census.gov

Register to Vote! www.NonprofitVOTE.org

Suggestion for future speaker: Antoinette G. Kerr


https://slack.com/Tool for organizing information, stories, etc. Create channels for different topics and your team can collaborate by sharing links and resources. Great way to organize a lot of information.


https://www.canva.com/Tool for doing simple graphic design. Non profits can register for a free Canva Pro account that offers more templates and graphics for use.