Join us for a virtual monthly meet-up to discuss the civic health of Wisconsin and connect about our work!
All are welcome! Participants will include organizations and individuals doing civic health work across the state from a variety of sectors. The meeting facilitators and discussion topics will change each month. Feel free to drop in for these meetings as you are available!
Date: Every 1st Tuesday of the month
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Zoom (Please sign up below for the link and calendar invites!)
Click here to sign up for the Monthly Civic Health of Wisconsin Meet-Up!
For more information, please navigate to our Civic Health of Wisconsin webpage.
Meeting agenda:
1. Introductions and updates: Participants are invited to share about their work and any updates relating to civic health efforts and issues in their communities this election season
2. Discussion: This month’s topic – Review of the 2024 Election, and Moving Forward with Civic Health.
a. Update from civil health groups about and since the election – slides by Mary Beth Collins (CommNS), presented by Garret Zastoupil (UW-Extension)
b. Breakout groups (please have a reporter collect points and bring back to the large group)
i. Observations about the election
ii. Current concerns for civic health
iii. Current opportunities for civic health
iv. What we need from a civic health initiative at this time
3. Share about Civic Health Habits Recommendations and Civic Health Circles – materials provided by Mary Beth Collins, co-presented by Garret Zastoupil and Costanza Generali (CommNS)
4. Heads up on Civic Health Report + CommUnity Conversations, coming early 2025
5. Wisconsin Civic Health Events Calendar
6. Proposals for next meeting topic
7. Volunteers to facilitate next meeting (Tuesday, January 7, 12-1pm)
For any questions, please contact Mary Beth Collins ( or Costanza Generali (